All 2021 Incidents to date:
17th Mutual Aid AVAD Lift Assist
24th Motor Vehicle Accident US Hwy 50
26th Structure Fire CR47
27th Possible Carbon dioxide Poisoning Hwy 50

2nd Motor Vehicle Assist Post Circle Dr
14th Faulty Smoke Detector O'Leary Lane
18th Mutual Aid AVAD COVID Clinic
25th Smoke Investigation Highland DR
06th Mutual Aid AVAD Lift Assist County Road 48
08th Mutual Aid AVAD COVID Clinic
11th Propane Tank Leak US Hwy 50
4/08/2021 Mutual Aid to AVA Manpower asst CR 46
4/11/2021 Smoke Investigation US Hwy 50
4/29/2021 Motor Vehicle Accident, US Hwy 50/ CR 4

May 5/1 Prescribed Fire County Road 45
5/3 Structure Fire
5/17 Smoke Investigation US hwy 50 and MM 233